Partners Brad Burnham

Brad Burnham, CIC


Since joining the agency in 1994, Brad Burnham has developed highly successful risk management programs for a broad range of industries including the manufacturing, distribution, and construction sectors. Brad has developed comprehensive member insurance programs for several affiliated business member associations such as the Independent Electrical Contractors of Texas and local Foundation Repair Association chapters. To further meet the needs of clients, he works extensively with our benefits department to develop alternative, cost-controlled employee benefits programs.

Brad’s professional designations include general lines agent for Ppoperty, casualty, life, health, and the industry’s highly regarded Certified Insurance Counselor designation from The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. Active in the industry, Brad is a member of the Dallas Builders Association, Independent Electrical Contractors, and Foundation Repair Association. Brad participates annually in the Scottish Rite Hospital Favorite Charity.

Contact Brad Burnham at 972-512-7727 or email

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