
Swinging into Fall with Playground Safety Tips

When the temperatures finally drop a bit in Texas, we swing into the best playground weather for little ones. There are many reasons why outdoor play is important (and fun!), but unfortunately, playgrounds can be dangerous too.

From 1990 to 2012, an estimated 5,025,440 children were treated in U.S. emergency departments for playground-related injuries, averaging 218,497 children annually. With such staggering statistics and injuries, daycares should pay special attention to the equipment and supervision provided in play areas.

Do you know?: Are your students excluded from your insurance policy if injured in your facility?

Hotchkiss Insurance daycare specialist Eva Crumby from our Dallas, Texas location encourages daycares to keep safety at the forefront, and also supports owners in understanding their coverage. “It’s easy to avoid thinking about these risks until a claim happens. All too often in this complex industry, daycares discover – at claim time – that enrolled students are excluded from coverage on their general liability policy, and they have been missing the right coverage.”

If you want to understand your daycare insurance coverage better, we’re here to help. And since we’re all about having fun outside, we’re sharing our top ten tips for staying safe out there.

Top Ten Tips for Playground Safety:

Playground Safety Tips

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